We’re sorry that the service you have received from Qatana has not met the standard that you would expect. Let us try and resolve the elements of service that have fallen short, but in the event that we are unable to do so, and you wish to complain this can be done via one of the following channels:

In most cases Qatana will seek to resolve the compliant by the end business day three and will issue a “summary resolution letter”.

Where a complaint is unable to be to be resolved within three business days and requires further investigation the following procedures will be adopted.

Within five working days of receipt of a complaint we will send you a written acknowledgment that will include:

  • who will be investigating the formal complaint (full name and direct contact details)
  • a summary of complaint;
  • if possible, the timescales when the respondent hopes to issue a final response.


The acknowledgement letter will also contain a copy of Qatana’s Complaint Policy.

In the event that we are unable to resolve within four weeks we will contact you advising of the current status of our investigations Within eight weeks we will either; Issue a final response, which;

  • accepts the complaint and, where appropriate,
  • offers redress or remedial action
  • offers redress or remedial action without accepting the complaint
  • rejects the complaint and gives reasons for doing so
  • provide a copy of the FOS standard explanatory letter (or link if response is by email)


  • a written response, which; • explains why we are not in a position to make a final response and will indicate a time scale to be able to provide one

In the event that you are unhappy with Qatana’s final response, you have right to refer you complaint to an alternative dispute resolution service

Qatana will fully co-operate with the dispute resolution service to resolve the complaint.

Alternative Dispute Resolution Services


Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS)

Exchange Tower, London, E14 9SR

08000 234 567 or 0300 1239123

In cases where the relevant dispute resolution service is the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS), they can only consider the complaint if Qatana has sent the complainant a letter with its final response, or Qatana has had eight weeks but has still not submitted its final response

The Financial Ombudsman Service can only consider a complaint in specific circumstances if more than six months has elapsed following the final response issued

Whilst the majority of our cases will be under the jurisdiction of the FOS, if they are not applicable, you may be able to refer your complaint to: